Previous Workshops

From Yin and the timeless wisdom of the I Ching, deepening your spiritual practice, yoga meditation, evenings of Kirtan, Satsang and supper, half-day
retreats, pop-up posture workshops for your headstand and Pincha Mayurasana to spiralling vinyasa sequences to flush out inertia and invigorate, classical and traditional, Jivamukti Yoga and Sivananda Yoga,
fiery practices and pranayama.

Yin Yoga for Autumn

The Nature of Qi
An exploration of the Meridians and their relationship to seasonal health

We are delighted to offer this unique opportunity for Yin yoga practitioners (and specialist teachers of Yin) to spend deeper time learning about the nature of the meridians and the Qi (pronounced 'chi') or 'life force energy' which runs through them.
Join advanced certified Yin Yoga teacher, Jac Godfrey and experienced acupuncturist, Peter White, in a joyful day of deep practices, focusing particularly on the season of autumn and how to cultivate and maintain vibrant health and well-being as the seasons turn cooler.

The day will begin with an accessible, warming, flowing movement practice to radiate warmth and pliability into the tissues. This will include Qi Gong practices which relate specifically to activate the lung meridian and promote good flow of breath, as well as yoga to boost circulation. If the weather permits we may take some of the breath practices out in the open air in the incredible garden at Elmdon Lee.

We will follow this with a look at the lung meridian and how it is paired with the large intestine meridian as well as looking at the Eastern approach to health (and TCM) - looking at which foods and lifestyle practices promote and encourage strong Qi in the relevant meridians.  

During the day, Peter will share with us knowledge of the meridians as well as how, in practice these mysterious channels affect our everyday health.

We will enjoy a beautiful, simple seasonal plant-based meal made with foods which specifically boost lung meridian function.

There will be 2 separate Yin Yoga practices during the day (one morning and one afternoon), focusing on longer, deeper holds, with cues and modifications and prop options, which you can take notes on for future reference in your own practice or teaching.

There will be meditation and contemplation time focusing upon the change of the seasons into deeper Autumn, as well as time for journaling. 

Peter White MSc MBAcC Dip TCM is an acupuncturist based in Linton, Cambridgeshire. Peter has over 2 decades of practical daily experience in working with the meridians to treat chronic pain, internal and digestive issues, muscular-skeletal issues, headaches and psychological trauma, - to give just a brief flavour. Peter holds a degree in Acupuncture and Massage from the International College of Oriental Medicine, as well as a post-graduate diploma in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) for which he studied in China.

Although this is an advanced application of Yin Yoga which will serve as 5 CPD hours for yoga teachers, it is very accessible and interesting for practitioners with existing Yin Yoga experience and everyone is very welcome.

12 places only so booking early is essential to avoid missing out. 

"There was something formless and perfect before the universe was born...for lack of a better name I call it the Tao. It flows through all things, inside and out and returns to the origin of all things.
Man follows the earth.
Earth follows the universe.
The universe follows the Tao.
The Tao follows only itself" ~ Tao Te Ching

Bhakti Yoga Autumn Retreat Day

Join Jac and Rebecca for a day retreat packed full of beautiful yoga and contemplative practices as we dive deeply into Krishna & Bhakti Yoga.

This Bhakti Yoga Autumn day retreat is an opportunity to immerse deeply into the 'highest of yogas' - the yoga of devotion, where we can let go of the constraints of 'must', 'should' and personal ego - instead connecting to beauty and expansion, growth and deep peace. A perfect way to re-charge and let go of everyday stresses.

During our day together, you will be transported to the ancient Indian forests of Vrindavan to hear tales about the beating heart of Bhakti Yoga - Krishna, the playful, all attractive energy and the wisdom which his teachings can bring into our everyday lives. 

Your day retreat at a glance

Welcomes, introductions, offerings to the altar and dharma - Krishna & Bhakti Yoga
A delicious XL practice (including challenging and vigorous posture-work) centred around opening the heart
Outdoor 'Vrindavan Lila' meditation (with pranayama) in the beautiful gardens
Puja - Blessing of the Food with a Vedic prayer followed by a 'Krishna Bowl' lunch (plant based/GF)
Dharma: Krishna & Bhakti Yoga: Talk, Q and A and journal time
- cultivating a personal relationship with the infinite
- Bhakti Yoga and Krishna's words from the Bhagavad Gita
Softening down, a yielding afternoon practice lifting and softening the heart.
Kirtan Chants around the fire
Prayers, peace chant and closing

"The eternal's how it goes, from the beginning of time:-
Your deepest, innermost eternal self starts to call to you, like your beloved calling out your name.
You think you hear something but you can't be sure. It is so difficult to hear amidst the loud competing thoughts and compelling voices and the brashness of a world that wants to claim you for its own.
Yet this whispering voice which has travelled through time, space and countless lifetimes, longs to be heard and to dance playfully again upon the rise and fall of your breath.
The drumbeat of your heart ushers it in...a flute sounds from somewhere deep inside. From this point there is no turning back to a life less extraordinary.
And so the dance begins...
"Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama
Rama Rama, Hare Hare"

Devi Sadhana. Goddess Temple.

With Jacqueline Godfrey


This 2 part Devi Sadhana is an opportunity to deepen your conscious spiritual practice (this is what Sadhana means).

Devi is the Sanskrit name given to the divine feminine principle – in other words, the Goddess, the Creative principle within you.

In this 2 part Sadhana we will learn to connect deeply to the many auspicious powers and qualities of Devi as we learn Her attributes, to be able to evoke specific qualities.

You will be invited to journal your experience as you begin to discover depths of your own essence which are exquisitely enriched and strengthened through conscious practice. We will be particularly meeting Green Tara and Saraswati.

Spirit of Yin
Explore the timeless wisdom of the I Ching
to promote a life of balance

A Yin yoga and meditation workshop. 

With Jacqueline Godfrey

The I Ching known as ‘the Book of Changes’ is an ancient Daoist book which has survived for millennia, not as an academic treatise but as a unique living, breathing oracle of wisdom.

In this Yin yoga workshop we will take a journey back through time to the land of the I Ching and invite the support of the 5 elements of TCM, earth, metal, water, wood and fire to strengthen energy flow (Qi) within the body using yin yoga and acupressure self-massage.

Using the I Ching guide our path, we will take a meditation connecting in to the ‘Creative’ or the ‘Sage’.

There will be time for Q and A as we enjoy some plant based nourishment.

An evening of Kirtan, Satsang and Supper
with Jac and guests

*Cash donation to charity on the day*  

A joyful evening of Kirtan, Satsang and Indian food supper to warm your, heart, body and soul!

Bhakti, the yoga of open-hearted devotion and compassion is said to be the swiftest way to lift the spirit, transcend the heaviness of life and discover one's own true nature.

Kirtan is one of the main tools of the bhakti yogi - it is the yoga of sound, using sacred mantra, each syllable of which creates a vibration within the physical and subtle body.

All welcome no physical yoga experience necessary.

Yin Yoga and Meditation
New Year's Retreat
with Jac

A fresh new year brings with it intentions and hopes, plans and aspirations.

After a time of intensely being around others, having the luxury of time to 'be' with yourself, in yourself and connect to yourself affords space to cultivate clarity, wisdom and fresh inner peace to go forwards with a sense of space and purpose.

This half day retreat will focus on deep physical Yin Yoga practices which stimulate flow of 'chi' (energy) as appropriate for the season, as well as weaving in philosophy and teachings to support the journey.

Meditation (and learning a mantra) will form a key part of the retreat but no prior meditation or mantra experience is necessary.

**With a simple shared Buddha Bowl meal and refreshments**.

If you are looking for a perfect gift for yourself or a yoga-loving loved one, this is a beautiful opportunity to get some time away to truly refresh.

Heart of Yoga
with Jac  


Let your heart be full, but light as we close the year.

Intention Setting, Gratitude Practices.

A special class. Lighting Your Path into the next year. 

Personal ritual plays an important part in the life of a yogi/yogini. How beautifully and carefully you draw something to a close can pave the way for a clear path ahead.

Jac leads this very last practice of the year. Come and immerse in some beautiful practices, including Arati, the ceremony of bathing in the light, and a Puja of thanks. There will be Asana (posture work), Pranayama, Mantra.

Be prepared to bring with you a small symbol of something you are grateful for in past year (you will take it home!) for placing on the altar.

Also come with something in your heart that is dear to you for the next year so you can set the seed.

Winter Energy
with Jac

A special morning practice to refresh and re-energize your body and mind.

Pranayama, Kriya, Asana, Mantra, Mudra 

After the excesses of the previous few days, step out and refresh from the inside out.

Jac will lead you through detailed energy-enhancing practices (pranayama), kriya (cleansing techniques) as well as asana (postures), mantra to clear stagnant energy and invite in the new.

Book as you would any class - using your class-pass or membership.

Drop-in subject to space. 

Pop-up Posture Lab:
Simple drills and Recipe for Headstand
with Jacqueline Godfrey

In this 2-hour ‘laboratory’ class we de-mystify the classic inversion, headstand.

In a class setting it is simply not enough time to share all of the principles that go into this pose and people often do not progress through lack of knowledge as to 'how' they can break it down. 'Kicking up', hoping for the best is seen all too often and can result in falls.

Jac will share with you her ‘recipe’ of drills and practices which have been refined over the last decade and a half to teach headstand safely to many people who thought they would never achieve this pose.

The ‘recipe’ is simple, methodical, but requires consistent practice on the part of the practitioner in order to then create a safe and sustainable head-standing practice.

In an ordinary class setting, there is not enough time for detailed instruction and analysis of this pose.

Attempts at ‘Kicking up’ into a headstand is seen a lot by teachers and is extremely dangerous and is not the method used here.

Progress your practice:
Drills and tools to help you learn to fly!
with Jacqueline Godfrey

A workshop playing with Pincha Mayurasana (the Peacock Feather arm balance)

"You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?”― Rumi

In this fun and enlightening workshop with Jac you will be introduced to a series of techniques, drills and subtle practices which aim over time to build to a beautiful uplifting inversion.

Pincha Mayurasana – ‘the feather of the peacock’ is a beautiful inversion, which literally feels as light as feather catching the breeze once you master the techniques and understand the mechanics and energetics.

This is a fun and engaging workshop with lots of practical tools as well as the philosophy behind the asana. You will Identify and learn to strengthen and activate the correct muscle groups working towards this form of arm balancing.

This workshop is perfect for anyone wishing to take their practice to the next level and to add a new challenge to your practice.

Not suitable for beginners - a regular and committed yoga practice is essential. 

Introduction to the method of Yoga Meditation
with Jacqueline Godfrey

6 week course
Wednesday 19:30 to 20:45 

This course introduces you specifically to traditional Yoga Meditation from the Vedic tradition. In yogic tradition, Meditation was never (and still isn't) a separate thing to Yoga, Yoga in the true sense of the word cannot be possible without meditation.

In this course we will cover :-
* a brief overview of the many different types of meditation and how they differ in method and effect from traditional yoga meditation
* The layers of consciousness
* Bija Mantra / powerful 'seed' sounds and their effect
* Use of Japa Mala - the purpose and use of traditional yoga mala beads
* Pranayama and kriya techniques to purify the energy bodies
* The energy matrix underlying the whole practice
* An introduction to the philosophy underpinning this form of yoga (Vedanta)
* Intro to Sanskrit & chanting as relevant to meditation

The course includes instruction as to how to keep a Sadhana Diary and there will be email reminders sent to you on the techniques.

Key practices will be filmed, so even if you cannot make every single date you can benefit fully by participating.

Includes your own Japa Mala to keep (traditional mala beads) and all course materials.

From Yang to Yin
with Jacqueline Godfrey

From Yang to Yin - from effort to surrender in a journey through the Koshas.

This 90 minute journey will lead you through some simple yet powerful teachings from the Upanisad , with chanting as well as meditation.

We will enjoy shifting our energies in movement through a balancing and releasing asana (posture) practice which working on many layers of our being (physical, energetic, thought, feelings, subtlest intuition and bliss).

The practice is adapted to all levels (Open level) and then we gradually move into exploring the stillness, pranayama and eventually into a deeply restorative yoga nidra in which Jac will lead you into an exploration of the depths and mysteries of the five layers (koshas) which make up our being.

All welcome


This series of 3 yoga workshops continues our annual exploration
of deeper concepts of classical yoga.

This year, we are exploring ishta devata, the principle of personal divine energy. Our focus will be on Shiva and Krishna, respectively energies of transformation and love and compassion.

Conclusing with the very popular Chakra Balancing practice,
which leads us to let go of old, stagnating habits and patterns
and release energy still being held onto from past events.

All workshops contain strong and challenging vinyasa sequencing
to open the body, and uplift mind and spirit.
In addition, we will explore Pranayama (breathing practices)
and Kriya (cleansing practices).  

Learn the deeper meanings behind these concepts and how focus upon how you can use the teachings as powerful tools in your personal practice.

Book any separately or all 3 together. 
Pre-booking required.

‘Shiva’s Dance’

This Jivamukti Yoga workshop focuses on the mantra, stories and transformational energies of Shiva, known as ‘Bhairava’ who destroys old patterns and makes way for new pathways through life. Spiralling vinyasa sequences to flush out inertia and invigorate,
fiery practices and pranayama. 

‘Journey to the
Heart Centre’

The spiritual heart centre is a complex meeting of emotional, physical processes and is the seat of love and compassion. In this practice we will explore the upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita, and will ignite the energy of Krishna which is always playful. This lighthearted practice follows that lead, inviting you to let go of fears and negativity holding you captive and trust in your own innate wisdom. The sequencing invites you to backbend and explore heart -opening practices finding new freedom in body, mind and energy. 

‘Chakra Balancing’

This is a hugely powerful practice which brings into focus new perceptions of the world around us, as we open new pathways through the physical body, our view of reality changes. From start to finish the practice invites you into a moving meditation, infused with seed (Bija) mantra. This is a strong physical yoga practice taught in the Jivamukti method, which challenges you to release the old blockages which allow space for new, fruitful insights and inspiration

0778 430 1499